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Bicycle or Motorcycle Accident

Motorcycle and Bicycle Accidents

It is very rare for a motorcycle or bicycle accident to be minor. Crashes nearly always result in catastrophic injury or death. If a motorcyclist or bicyclist is lucky enough to survive a crash with a car, truck or bus, he or she very often suffers serious injuries such as broken bones or serious internal injuries is.

When They Say They "Didn't See" the Motorcycle or Bicycle

Motorcycle and bicycle accidents often occur to the total surprise of motorists who may claim not to have seen a bike before the crash. The motorcycle or bicycle may have been in the driver's blind spot, or the car or truck driver simply may not have been keeping a diligent lookout.

Storer & Steen Get to the Bottom of the Case

A thorough investigation of the collision as well as a detailed evaluation of the injured person's condition and prognosis are fundamental to a motorcycle and bicycle accident case. You need an attorney with experience handling motorcycle and bicycle accident claims backed by a track record of successful trial verdicts and settlements for past clients.

We Have Experience Overcoming Unfair Bias Against Motorcyclists and Bicyclists

At Storer & Steen, we are very familiar with the bias against motorcyclists and bicyclists shown by insurance companies and juries even when the driver of a car or truck clearly caused a serious accident involving a motorcycle or bicycle. We have experience overcoming this type of bias in motorcycle and  bicycle accident cases with compelling arguments and relentless advocacy.

Pedestrian Accidents

Our lawyers never take anything for granted or assume anything when investigating an accidental injury. Investigation of a bicycle or pedestrian accident may reveal surprises such as the fact that the motorist was under the influence of alcohol or otherwise impaired.  Evaluating every potential cause of an accident is a personal injury lawyer's fundamental responsibility. Evaluating the physical and mental condition and prognosis of an injured bicyclist, pedestrian or driver of a car involved in a crash is vital for pursuing maximum compensation for the injured person's present and future needs.

Were You Hit by a Car or Truck in a Crosswalk, in a Bike Lane or in a Parking Lot?

If you were hit by a car, truck, or bus when crossing the street, in a parking lot or while riding your bicycle in a bike lane, talk to a pedestrian and bicycle accident lawyer at Storer & Steen to understand your legal options for obtaining the maximum available compensation. If you decide to retain our law firm to represent you, we will begin by looking at the police report, talking to eyewitnesses and getting detailed statements from your medical doctors, chiropractor, or therapists. If you were hit by a commercial vehicle or in a private parking lot, we will evaluate the possibility that a business may have some liability for your damages.

Our goal in your pedestrian or bicycle accident case is to obtain for you all the compensation that you are entitled to — beginning with payment of medical bills, anticipating future needs such as rehabilitative therapy, and considering other damages such as pain and suffering.

Compassionate Attorneys Who Understand Your Needs

We are concerned and relentless advocates for injury victims. We practice law to pursue justice for those who need it most. 


We provide free phone and in-person consultations at 208-323-0024 to evaluate your case in detail or send an e-mail message to our law firm. If necessary, we can meet with you in your home.  There is never an attorney fee until we obtain compensation for you.

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